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Generate API key token

How to generator a token for an API key in the RAiD user interface


This procedure applies to Raido - the ARDC’s RAiD user interface.


In order to do this, you will need to be a Raido Operator or Service Point Admin.

If you do not have an existing API key, you will first need to create one before you can generate a token.

You can only generator a token for an enabled API key. Please ensure the API key is enabled before generating a token.


Generating a new token will rescind the existing token

  1. Visit the RAiD test, demo, or production user interface

  2. In the Sign-in pane, click on the Google, AAF or ORCID button, depending on which authentication provider you used when you requested RAiD user interface authorisation.

  3. Follow the normal login process for your authentication provider and, if necessary, authorise the connection with Raido

  4. Open the hamburger menu (indicated by the three parallel lines) on the top-right of the user interface.

  5. Click API keys

  6. Select the API key for which you wish to generator a new token

  7. Click Generate token

  8. Click the icon to copy the token to your clipboard

  9. Save the token in your preferred system for managing secrets, such as a password manager

Be sure to save the token in an appropriate system as you will not be able to retrieve it from the RAiD system

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