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Terms and abbreviations




A person who is a contributor to a particular research project or activity (e.g. an author)


The occurrence of multiple identifiers for a single resource


A loosely defined term that could be any group of entities sharing a common application or interest, under any organisational structure (e.g. public, private sector, not-for-profit, regulator, etc.), and perhaps within a geographical area


Any physical, digital or abstract research item that can be precisely defined by structured metadata or a metadata schema


The creation of a RAiD system for an approved applicant (i.e. Registration Agency such as an approved organisation or person)

opaque [number or string]

Also known as a ‘dumb’ number

When a alphanumeric character string does not contain any semantic content

When nothing at all can or should be inferred from the number regarding its use in the DOI system or RAiD system


Refers to a legal entity that supports the development and outcomes of quality research (e.g. a research organisation, funder, publisher, collaborator, stakeholder)


persistent identifier


Assigned to an organisation that wishes to register DOI names in a RAiD,

Any organisation may choose to have multiple prefixes.

Also known as an organisation’s ‘handle’


Also known as ‘research project’


Registration Agency


Registration Authority


Research Activity Identifier

RAiD metadata record

A manifest containing the name by which the activity is known along with structured metadata describing entities associated with a research activity, as specified by the Registration Authority and relating to the identifiers for the entities.  It is stored on the RAiD register.

RAiD name

An identifier based on the DOI system that uniquely and persistently identifies a RAiD. A RAiD name contains a prefix and suffix.

A string of alphanumeric characters according to a syntax specified by ARDC following the general format: prefix_part/suffix_part (e.g. 10.123456/654321)

RAiD name prefix

A unique RAiD identifier (which starts with ‘10.XXX’) that denotes RAiD as that entity’s PID and metadata record syntax (e.g. 10.123456).

A RAiD prefix must also be tagged with ‘RAID’ in uppercase letters and a space before any human access either on-screen or via printed media (e.g. RAID 10.123456/…)

RAiD name suffix

May be an existing identifier or any unique string chosen by the Registrant

RAiD register


RAiD service

A Registration Agency running RAiD software provides a RAiD service to its constituency - a RAiD service is where users go to mint, edit and manage RAiDs.

RAiD service point

The RAiD shopfront or point of support for RAiD users (e.g. a library)

RAiD system

An ARDC-governed framework that provides a means of identification, description and resolution of a digital research object or entity

RAiD system components

A specified ARDC standard that defines RAiD name syntax, a global resolution service, a data model incorporating a metadata standard that governs the RAiD metadata record, an implementation mechanism through a social infrastructure of organisations, policies and procedures for the governance and registration of RAiD names


The person who requests a RAiD be minted by a Registration Agency


Research Information System

Registration Agency


An organisation that provides a RAiD service to one or more service points within a community, with approval by the ARDC in its capacity of Registration Authority

Registration Authority


The Australian Research Data Commons, the organisation appointed to govern the RAiD, as per ISO Standard 23527


The process in which an identifier is the input (a request) to a network service to receive in return a specific output of one or more pieces of current information (state data) related to the identified entity (e.g.) a location (such as URL) where the object can be found.

Resolution provides a level of managed indirection between an identifier and the output. The resolution component allows redirection on a digital network from a DOI name to associated data by using the Handle SystemⓇ as the resolution tool.

research activity

A broadly defined term that is intended to reflect, rather than prescribe, research activity practices across regional and disciplinary communities

As a starting point, ISO Standard defines a research activity as ‘an identifiable package of work involving organised, systematic investigation’

research input

resources, funding, data or anything else that might contribute to a research project

research output

journal articles, data, software or anything else that might be produced during a research project

research project

A broadly defined term that is intended to reflect, rather than prescribe, research project practices across regional and disciplinary communities

service point

a unit or team within an organisation that manages that organisation’s RAiDs


service point


the component of a RAiD name that follows the slash, and is unique within a particular prefix. When combined with the prefix, it is globally unique


a smaller component within a project. For example, a multi year archaeological project might have field seasons, where each season can be considered a subproject

unique identifiers

Names that can be encountered and reused in another place or time without consulting the assigner

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